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The company was called ISGM.

In just 7 years ISGM had become a $500m turnover company by transforming the typically poor customer service experiences of large Telco's into brilliant customer service outcomes, while costing large business less. How? By replacing complex sub-contractor service models with radically simpler, transparent ways of working that reward technicians and trades for exceptional service outcomes.  

ISGM had 3.5 million front line interactions with customers but zero consumer brand awareness. They were targeting bold new growth from several new industry sectors beyond telco.  Yet weren’t presenting as a game changing high growth business that would inspire new client confidence and  attract and retain over 6000+ of the best technicians and trades in the industry. 


We linked future business growth strategy with new brand architecture, purpose, vision, values and customer promise.  Changing the company name to Tandem to create both strong memorability and resonance with their partnership approach to delivering great client outcomes. Lines of business were regrouped and renamed to strengthen easy cross selling as well as investor appreciation for Tandems scalable future value.


Finally, a bold new brand narrative and visual identity were developed to reposition Tandem for a new growth era.  The new Tandem brand promise of  'Exceptional Outcomes, Simply Delivered'  sits at the heart of all external client communication.  For new employee recruits  'Experience Exceptional with us'  is woven through recruitment and on-boarding materials

* Project in collaboration with SML design, Melbourne.

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Proudly created by CHOSEN* 2021

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